Anxiety and Exhilaration

Change.  Change can be scary.  Change can also be amazing. 

It all depends on your perspective.  What change means to one, may not be what it means to another.  I often found I shied away from change because I thought it meant something really drastic.  I soon learned that change can be as simple as breathing more. When we become more aware of what makes our body feel good, we start to realize that through change, amazing things can happen.  It can be as little as breathing, or as big as moving across the country. Yes, some changes can be scary, but also exhilarating!

Mastin Kipp, creator of The Daily Love said during one of his speeches, the bodies reaction to anxiety and exhilaration are the same sensations.  What if we can change our minds to see our anxiousness as really the path that leads to happiness? Can we change our thoughts enough to escape our emotional conditioning? Are we so consumed with labeling emotions, that we often label them incorrectly? Or perhaps we fear what we consider bad, negative emotions so much, we avoid going through them?  When we start making changes, even the tiniest ones, positive, wonderful things can start to form. Fear starts to fade, and our life as we know it starts to become more of what we want. The hurdles can be massive, but imagine never knowing what’s on the other side.


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