When Your Answers Appear

For the past 7yrs I’ve been really working on my older sons sudden food changes. Going from eating literally everything, to being more selective. I always thought it was having a new baby brother, as we use food as such a huge way to practice power, and control (I’m sure this is some of it).

Anyways, I was giving a free coaching session yesterday, and the mom was discussing her sons sudden change, and I had a flashback to when my son was 3yrs old. My younger baby was about 6m old, and I was breastfeeding. No matter what I ate he would scream for 8-10 hrs a day, and have at least 10 dirty diapers. I was desperate. I started doing an extreme elimination diet, and ate nothing but sweet potatoes, some fruit, and bland chicken for 2wks straight thinking it could be allergy (yes, I know some take longer to get out of system, but most of the time you can see difference within those 2wks). Anyways, my 3 year old kept trying to feed me his snacks, and I would respond almost every time, I can’t eat that. Over and over. I can’t eat that. I can’t eat that. I can’t eat that. After my 2wks of torture. I felt like shit. Nothing was working. Next I went raw vegan. Though I have never felt better in my life, and so many of my own issues went away, again, I kept repeating. I don’t eat that anymore. I can’t eat that anymore. I can’t eat that anymore. Oh baby, I can’t eat that anymore.

BOOM, thank you universe.


Emotional Support


Grief and Clarity