Movement in the Mountains

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Emotional Support

Oh cheese. Why oh why are you my emotional support system? Something I’m allergic to. Something that gives me belly aches and acne. Why? Why? Why?

I hate when food doesn’t speak, but reveals so much. I’m relying on something toxic to me. Going back to my old emotional support system, even though it makes me ill. Going back to what’s always been there, not trying to push myself beyond. It’s hard to own your issues. It’s hard to move from being a victim to realizing you are a creator. It’s even hard for those your surrounded with, because they too hold on to the old you.

We all need support, whether it be cheese, chocolate, coffee, or friends, but there’s a difference between positive support, and the kind that makes you stuck. Moving past and beyond is one of the most challenging things I have ever taken on. It’s new. It’s scary. It’s also super rewarding and enlightening.

I am aware of my toxic emotional support. I am having complete compassion for myself. Not judging, but observing all that the cheese has taught me.

Damn you cheese.