Movement in the Mountains

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Grief and Clarity

As I continue to learn to surrender to what is around me, I’m constantly being shown clarity in the experience. Grief has become the ultimate tool for me to find a balance within that I am still unfamiliar with. The existence of both the masculine part of me (anger) and the feminine (sadness) continue to make themselves very known. Quan Yin, the goddess of great compassion says, we cannot embrace our Devine Feminine, until we embrace our Devine Masculine. Years of yoga has taught me that for all of us, that is the ultimate union. The ying and the yang, the male and female, the release of dualities. Perhaps every single human in existence has to feel grief in order for humanity itself to return to the balance we all know to exist. Grief isn’t just when there is death, it’s a constant, just like change. With every event grief can be found, the birth of a child, moving, natural disasters, the end of nursing babies, saying goodbye to our children as they leave and grow. None of us are strangers to grief, and yet, it’s so difficult to talk about. Perhaps its our fears of facing our balance, our male and female, our anger and our sadness. We are all one because we all suffer, we suffer together. We exist together. We breath together. From out of the mud a lotus is formed, Om mani padmi Om. How great this gift to be shown ultimate compassion, to feel something we all must feel. To observe exactly what is happening inside me, inside us all, and to just be with it, completely without judgement.